Thursday, July 14, 2011!

after a rip-roaring 4 hours of sleep (bah!) it's time for kisses, smiles and jet planes.  i'm off to spokane!  i don't know how this day snuck up so incredibly fast, but it certainly has.  only 3 more days until i'm a married woman...whammy!

i love paul.  and i am so excited for....forever :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

well, hey there july!


let's celebrate with double the fireworks!  happy canada day & 4th of july, everyone!  paul and i are trekking north to celebrate with his canadian relatives, as long as they let us over the boarder.  what a fabulous day!


Monday, June 27, 2011

in the words of billy joel....

I'M MOVIN' OUT!!!  at least half-way for now. 
paul and i have officially signed the lease in our new apartment.  we spent the entirety of this past weekend hauling washing machines, pull-out couches and solid maple out of Undergrad Land and up a flight of stairs to our first lil' love nest.  it's a glorious apartment in the most lovely pocket of dayton we never knew existed until two short months ago.  we're nestled amongst the trees between a city park and a narrow strip of sky-high greenery.  so lovely.  and across the street (literally) is fraze pavillion, a popular summer concert venue.  we simply open our windows and enjoy the live music several evenings a doesn't get any better than that, ladies and...well, more ladies (no gents read this!)  and then inside - what a treat!  lofted ceilings, a wood-burning fire place, walls of windows and (joy of joys!) no upstairs windows!  i slept without ear plugs this past saturday night for the first time in MONTHS! to my ear canal's sheer delight.  i officially complete my move on july 8th, the day paul leaves for spokane.  we've waited this long to live together...and with a 3-day vacay this weekend, what's a few more days?

we're voyaging north this weekend to the land of hockey, maple syrup and mounties to spend the holiday with paul's relatives.  not only are we celebrating the 4th, but also canada day on the 1st.  ahh, the advantages of marrying holidays!  how i love them so.  any excuse to gather with family is glorious, even though it's not legal quite yet :)

only 20 more days!  *sigh*...i am so blessed.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

photographer, take 2

hello from the wee-sma's.  sleep has become my illusive friend once again, c'est la vie.  if you can't sleep, blog.

today is day 26. 
day 27 was a doozie.
my mom met with a florist (rosauers!) and we ordered flowers, i gave the caterer our final head count, we ordered wine from the venue, we solidified the bartender and i went back and forth with about 12 photographers within 24 hours.  wait...what?

the photographer that we'd had lined up for months informed us on saturday that she would not be able to shoot our wedding.  so the majority of this weekend my fingers were flying, contacting potential replacements.  we found a ton of skill avaliable (*note* if you plan on selecting your photographer within a month, get married on a sunday) but very zero with the same skill in our price range.  some actually wanted triple what we'd agreed to spend.  however, i believe we've found the one for us.  check out eugene michel on - gorgeous stuff.  he's sending the contract over today, upon which i will immediately pounce.  so the hope for day 26 - find a photographer!

i was struck today by how close it's getting.  wow.  it's been so easy and always seemed so far off, but now it's practically here.  we're nearing the threshold of our new life together, and it feels like for the first time, i'm close enough to see the wood grain on the door frame, the smooth stones on the steps, and the light streaming out from within. 

i can't wait to spend my life with paul.  and i can't wait to celebrate its commencement with you :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

how charming!

from the depths of torrential winds and baseball-sized hail and between trips down to the basement, i come a-blogging.  a happy reprieve...

things are puttering along at aproximately the same slow, smooth pace as the r.s.v.p.'s which i so painstakingly addressed, stamped and mailed.  (side note - from this point on, i will always respond to a wedding invite within one week.  so impatient!)  but rather than feeling like i'm dithering about, i've very much been enjoying the smooth sailing. 

paul and i finally (yay!) selected his and his groomsmen attire last weekend.  check that off the list!  we went together to purchase his wedding band and they have been sent out for engraving.  but by far, the pleasurable majority of my time has been dedicated to the crafting of our wedding favors!  i am making personalized wine charms for every guest, and it is quite the fun and intricate process. the idea may be blatantly stolen (thank you,!) but they're perfect and fun, nonetheless.  what else are these sites for but to inspire ideas?! 

tomorrow i'm heading away from oz and back to the pacific northwest!  i'm taking my first vacation day (half day after putting in extra hours this week) and spending four glorious days with my family, new baby nephew, friends and old students.  i simply am beside myself with excitement...probably why i am blogging at 6:15 between reading my bible and working out.  i've armed myself with a giant check list of "to do's", such as hair trial run, ceremony cite selection, dessert tasting, wine selection, mother's dress shopping, beading and all the other delightful little details that are impossible to do from afar. 

and i will most certainly be partaking in a LOT of seafood.  yum!

see you all in 52 days!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

three months to go.....

oh my goodness.  i'm a terrible blogger.

then again...maybe not......

unless you consider furniture rental enthralling, nothing much has happened since my last post!  with a few minor exceptions, of course.....

after a lovely period of down time in which paul and i simply talked and dreamed of our future, enjoyed one another's company and visited our first drive-thru liquor store, things have picked up again in the past week.  last tuesday, april 5th, i brought home my wedding dress.  it is everything i could want it to be and more.  i went to have my final fitting, and the seamstress did a lovely job.  i could hardly take it off, and very well might not have if it hadn't been for fear of spilling panaera all down the front.  it's living in my apartment with me now, and every time i look at it hanging on the back of my door, i feel pure happiness.  it's as if the dress radiates through the linen bag, an unseen yet shining secret.  only 95 more days until i get to put it on again.....

we spent this past weekend in minneapolis, visiting my new in-laws-to-be and their delicious new baby.  i am so thankful for family, and seeing them has helped me realize how much i truly appreciate them, and you...the people who are constant and with whom love is always shared, regardless of the passage of time or distance between. 

pre-marital counseling started yesterday with paul and my pastor.  he is a riot, yet so pure and honest.  i am so thankful that he is sharing his wisdom, perspective and heart with us as he helps us lay our foundation.  we will be meeting every other week to with him and working together as well as independently to prepare ourselves for the road ahead.  i think of the future, and all i can do is smile....

oh, and one last note...check your mail this week.  you might just find a lil' something special from me.... :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

my favorite word PARCEL! 

as in,  a PARCEL was received by me today.  and in this PARCEL were our wedding invitations!!!  they are gorgeous.  i am going to frame one and hang it on my wall, i love it so much!  perfection.  i am honestly going to call green kangaroo tomorrow and thank them for doing such a lovely job.  maybe it's everyday for them, but they just made my march!  if you EVER are in need of paper products, please check out the green kangaroo!  great prices, beautiful products, wonderful to work with. 

the other thing that is making my march is...not in a PARCEL.  rather, it's a the name of sherill.  my mommy's coming to visit this weekend!  she arrives on friday and i can't wait.  i am ecstatic that she's coming.  we're going down to cincinnati for my first dress fitting on saturday's going to be so very special. 

can i tell you how wonderful my mother is?  just in case you don't know her...
one summer in college, when i was home for break, we were redoing the basement (not redecorating...this was a complete overhaul!)  it was early in the process, still in the demolition phase, and we were spending the day ripping down the ceiling tiles.  to make the process a bit more entertaining, we turned on the tv.  the movie "father of the bride" was on - which i love b-t-dub.  all of a sudden my mom turns to me, and literally sobs my name out.  i look at her in shock, ask what's wrong, and she very tearfully replies, "i'm going to give you the best possible wedding i can."  bah!  naturally, we cried/hugged it out and were fine, but that's just the kind of woman she is.  heart so big, she'll hurt herself for those she loves.

it's going to be a great weekend. 

137 days